With so many online courses to choose from, it becomes very difficult to sort out all the information from each online school and the programs on offer. Here are some frequently asked questions about online courses and standard answers:
Are Online Courses Difficult?
Although each school, program and course is different, it has often been found that courses for online programs tend to be just as rigorous, if not more so, than traditional classroom work. There may be many reasons for this, but many believe that this may be the case because many traditional universities do not care about the idea of working online and that this can take the form of a “correspondence course” in which the learner directs his own learning. with little feedback or strong skills. To compound this notion, many online courses are designed to do a lot more reading and writing to prove the challenge of learning the course.
Can someone take an online course?
Most online schools will ask you to register and register for courses in the same way you enroll in a field course. Contact the different schools you are considering to check their application process. Be sure to look for important dates so you do not miss critical points. Some schools only offer courses per semester (three times a year), while others have continuous enrollment and offer online courses every 4 to 6 weeks with several sections of the same course.
If I am a course with several sections, are they all taught in the same way?
As with traditional university courses, each instructor will tend to add his own style to the class. That’s what makes it more interactive and interesting. If each course offered were identical, the instructors would not be very interested in finding new and exciting content and learning activities for students. This would hinder the educational freedom of the course facilitator.
Do I have Internet?
The simple answer is yes. Or be able to access the internet from somewhere else – wifi point of access, Internet cafe or public library. Since these online courses are not correspondence-style, you will likely need to participate in some or all of the following: live chats, forum / forum posts, wikis or podcasts, or creating assignments under word processing software and sending via email or drop box. Having Internet at home greatly facilitates access to the course at any time of the day or night.